"†♥†ለአንቺም የማይገዛ ሕዝብና መንግሥት ይጠፋል፥"ኢሳ.60፡12
ኢትዮጵያና የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ
ተዋህዶ ሃይማኖት መቼም የማይነጣጠሉ ነበር ዛሬ ዛሬ ግን ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ተሰሚነቷ እየቀነስ አመራሩ አካል ጫና እያሳደረባት
እና ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ እንኳን ሲቃጠሉ ሀይ ባይ እያጣች መጥቶ ዛሬ ደግሞ ይህ አልበቃ ብሎ ኢትዮጵያ እና ኦርቶዶክስ ተፋተው
የፕሮቴስታንት ሃይማኖት ተከታይ መሪ ለማስተናገድ በቃች፡፡

“ትሻልን ሰድጄ ትብስን አመጣሁ” እንዲሉ
የሆነብን ከዚህ የተለየ አይደለም ምንም እንኳ ያለፉት ጠቅላይ ሚኔስቴርም ለቤተ ክርስቲያናችን እንደዋልድባ ገዳም ያሉትን ችግሮች እላያችን ላይ ደንቅረው መፍትሄ ሳይሰጡት ከማረፋቸው ውጪ ምንም ባያደርጉልንም ከአሁኑ የማይሻልበት ምክነያት አይኖርም ይህም ምክነያታችን ግን ግልፅ ነው ፡፡ አሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል፡፡ የቅርብ ጊዜ ትውስታችንን እንኳን ብናስታውስ ከንቲባ አሊ አብዶ ሰልጣን በያዙበት አመት ለእስልምና እምነት መሰጊድ በአዲስ አበባ ያሰሯቸውን ብንቆጥር ከሁሉም አሳዛኝ ያደርገዋል፡፡
የሆነብን ከዚህ የተለየ አይደለም ምንም እንኳ ያለፉት ጠቅላይ ሚኔስቴርም ለቤተ ክርስቲያናችን እንደዋልድባ ገዳም ያሉትን ችግሮች እላያችን ላይ ደንቅረው መፍትሄ ሳይሰጡት ከማረፋቸው ውጪ ምንም ባያደርጉልንም ከአሁኑ የማይሻልበት ምክነያት አይኖርም ይህም ምክነያታችን ግን ግልፅ ነው ፡፡ አሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል፡፡ የቅርብ ጊዜ ትውስታችንን እንኳን ብናስታውስ ከንቲባ አሊ አብዶ ሰልጣን በያዙበት አመት ለእስልምና እምነት መሰጊድ በአዲስ አበባ ያሰሯቸውን ብንቆጥር ከሁሉም አሳዛኝ ያደርገዋል፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሕገ አበውን፣ ሕገ ኦሪትንና ሕገ ወንጌልን አስተባብራ በመያዝ የጥበብ ምንጭ፣ የሥርዓት መፍለቂያ፣ የዕውቀት ባሕር ሆና ሁሉ የተሟላላት ስንዱ እመቤት ናት።
በማኅበራዊ አገልግሎቷ ደግሞ የድኩማን መጠጊያ፣ ያዘኑና የተከፉ መጽናኛ፣ የማንነትም አሻራ ነች። ለዚህም የቤተ ክርስቲያን አገልግሎት በተለያዩ ገዳማት፣ አድባራት፣ አብያተ ክርስቲያናት የሚገኙ የአብነት ት/ቤቶች ተቀዳሚ ተጠቃሾች ናቸው። በተለያዩ ጊዜያት የተንኮልና የክህደት ቋጠሮ ይዘው የመጡ መስሐቲያን (አሳሳቾች) አፍረው የተመለሱት ከአብነት ት/ቤቶቹ በወጡ የሀገር መሪ መምህራን ነው ብዙ መጥቀስ
ከዚህም በተጨማሪ ለሀገር መሪ ለሕዝብ አስተማሪ በመሆን ሕዝብን ያገለገሉ ደጋጎች በአጠቃላይ ከቤተ ክርስቲያን የወጡ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ልጆች ናቸው። ሌላው ልንገነዘበው የሚገባ ቁም ነገር ቢኖር ገና ያልደረስንባቸው ብዙ እምቅ መንፈሳዊ ሃብቶች ያሉን መሆናቸዉ ነው::
የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ለኢትዮጵያ ተቆጥሮና ተሰፍሮ የማያልቅ ውለታ የዋሉ፤ እንደ ዓይናችን ብሌን ልንጠብቃቸው የሚያስፈልጉ የተቀደሱ ኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሥፍራዎቻችን ናቸው፡፡
ለኢትዮጵያ የሥነ ጽሑፍ፣ የሥነ-ሥዕል፣ የፊደል፣ የሥነ-ሕንጻ ምንጭነትና አጠቃላይ የሥልጣኔና የትምህርት ማዕከል በመሆን ያገለገሉና እያገለገሉ ያሉ የሀገር ኩራት ሊቃውንቶቿ ናቸው፡፡ በውስጣቸው የሚገኙት ንዋያተ ቅድሳት፣ ሥነ-ሕንጻዎችና ቅርሶች ለሀገርና ለወገን ኩራት ከመሆን አልፈው ዓለም አቀፍ ቅርሶች እስከ መሆንና ለሀገሪቱም በቱሪዝሙ ዘርፍ ከፍተኛ ገቢ እያስገኙ ያሉ ውድ ሀብቶቻችን ናቸው፡፡ የኢትዮጵያን ታሪክ ወደኋላ ዞር
ብለን ብንመለከት መሪዎቿ ለቤተክርስቲያን እድገት የሚጥሩ ነበሩ የቱን አንስተን የቱን እንተወዋለን ፡፡
ለመኆኑ አቶ
ኃይለ ማርያም ደሳለኝ የፕሮቴስታንት ሃይማኖት ተከታይ መሆኑ ለቤተ ክርስቲያን የሚያመጣው ችግር እና ተያያዥ ጉዳዮች ምንድናቸው?
ይህ ታዲያ ብዙ ሐተታ የሚፈልግ አየመስላችሁም፡፡በጣም ሊታሰብበት የሚገባ ጉዳይ የመስለናል እስቲ እናንተም ተወያዩበት እኛ ለወደፊት
ቸር ያሰማን፡፡
OMG I Don't' believe Is it True
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with you?What's wrong with having a protestant leader? In fact he is the first intellectually capable leader we have ever had.GOD BLESS HIM!!!
Deleteብዙ ጊዜ መንግሥትና ሃይማኖት የተለያዩ ናቸው ሲባል፤ ለዚህም ሕግ ሲጠቀስ እሰማለሁ፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ ግን የሚናገረው ከዚህ በተቃራኒው ነው፡፡ ቤተ መንግሥትና ቤተ ክህነት አንድ መሆናቸውን፡፡ እንኳን በደስታ በኀዘን እንደ ማይለያዩ፡፡
Deleteንግሥት ዘውዲቱና አቡነ ማቴዎስ ሁለቱም የተወደዱ ነበሩ፡፡ ሁለቱም ሞተው ተለቅሶላቸው ተቀበሩ፡፡ ሁለቱም ሲሞቱ የሰው እጅ አለበት ተብሎ ታምቷል፡፡ ሁለቱም በኣታ ተቀበሩ፡፡
ዐፄ ኃይለ ሥላሴና አቡነ ቴዎፍሎስ ሁለቱም የለውጥ አራማጆች ተብለው በአዲሱ ትውልድ መጀመርያ ተመሰገኑ፡፡ ሁለቱም በኋላ ላይ ከደርግ ጋር ተጣሉ፡፡ ሁለቱም ታሠሩ፡፡ ሁለቱም ባልታወቀ ሁኔታ ተገደሉ፡፡ የሁለቱም መቃብር ለ17 ዓመታት ሳይታወቅ ኖረ፡፡ ሁለቱም ኢሕአዴግ ከገባ በኋላ ዐፅማቸው ወጥቶ ተቀበረ፡፡
መንግሥቱ ኃይለ ማርያምና አቡነ መርቆሬዎስ ሁለቱም የብሔራዊ ሸንጎ አባላት ነበሩ፡፡ ሁለቱም ኢሕአዴግ ሲገባ ከሥልጣን ‹‹ወረዱ››፡፡ ሁለቱም ከሀገር ወጡ፡፡ ሁለቱም በሕይወት ኖረው በቦታቸው የተተኩት ሲሞቱ አዩ፡፡
መለስ ዜናዊና አቡነ ጳውሎስ ሁለቱም ከ1983 ዓም በኋላ ወደ ሥልጣን መጡ፡፡ ሁለቱም በአንድ ሰሞን በሆስፒታል ዐረፉ፡፡ ሁለቱም ከእነርሱ በፊት የነበሩት መሪዎች ሳይሞቱ ቀድመው ሞቱ፡፡ በአቡነ ጳውሎስ ቀብር ላይ ጊዜያዊው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ተገኙ፤ በመለስ ዜናዊም ቀብር ላይ ጊዜያዊው ፓትርያርክ ይገኛሉ፡፡
እና ቤተ ክህነትና ቤተ መንግሥት የተለያዩ ናቸው ያለው ማነው? http://www.danielkibret.com/2012/08/blog-post_23.html
This is one of the most arrogant thing to hear.Who said Ethiopia is to be led by only Orthodox followers.The reality is there are more than 13 million protestant Christians and they have as equal right as the rest of religions to participate in the nations fate.May be in the future also the muslims will get such a chance.You should know that the time that Ethiopia is the nation of only the Amharas and the Tigries,the orthodox followers is passed.Ethiopia as wallelegne said is the nation of Oromos ,Amharas,Tigries,Guraghies,Wolaytas.......Muslims,Orthodoxes,
DeleteProtestants....Please try to adjust yourself with this truth.There are many important things to think and do about our nation rather than spending time to discuss about some body's religion.
Have a good day.
As written in the spiritual books,the coming spiritual king of ethiopia & the world i.e. Tewodros-third and the Patriarch of ethiopia & the world I.e abune Aregawi lastly as before Yiseworalu. Surprising!
Deleteእግዚአብሔር የማያይ መስሏችሁ ከሆነ ተሳስታችኋል። ደግሞም ትዕግስቱ ብዙ ስለሆነ ነው እንጂ የሁላችንስ ሥራ ለአንዲት ደቂቃና ቀናት የሚያቆየን አልነበረም። ስለዚህ ከኛ የሚጠበቀው በፀሎት መትጋትና እግዚአብሔር ቤተክርስቲያንን አንዲት ኦርቶዶክስን ጠብቅልን ብለን መጠየቅ ነው እንጂ መነቃቀፉ ምንም ፋይዳ የለውም። በክፋት ለመጣ ግን በትሩ የአምላክ ሀይለኛ ስለሆነ የሱን ስራ ማየቱ መልካም ነው እላለሁ።
Deletethank u my sir that is expected from the christians! u know zat our real country is in the heaven! so we may face so many resistances till we join it! prayer is the key one for all! but some our orthodox follwers still think out of the gospel! why not u look in to the coptic follwers! any ways it is not good to bark groundless by thinking that the leader is mere protestant!
Deleteegziaber yasiben!
ReplyDeletetaker my cherch because egziabher sewun aymertem protestantem hone orthodoks ke ethiopia gar miagenagnat neger yelem. ybal ketebalema ethiopian le orthodopks man setat? orthodokses bihon ke esrael yemeta haimanot aydelem? takeer. my cherch!
DeleteYe Ethiopia tarik ye Orthodox New. Ye Imebetachin hager nat Ethiopia. Indih ima ayibalim. Gin Egziabher Le'Ethiopia alelat ina tegto metseley new yemiyasfeligew.
Deleteአሜን ቸር ወሬ ያሰማን ፣ ቢሆንም ግን ኢትዮጵያ ያለ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያን ምንም ታሪክ እንድሌላት እናውቃለን ስለዚህ የሱ መምጣት ምንም ታሪካችንን ሊለውጠው አይችልም።
ReplyDeleteMinim enkuwan yalefut negesitat besim dereja ye Orthodoxin eminet tekebelin bilum...andim meri/nigus le siltanu/lewenberu edme lemchemer enji..be ewinet betekiristianin yemitekim sira lemesirat ke lib tekebilew new lemalet aldefrim=tarik endemiyasayen "ALL OF THEM;i repeat it again all of them:..Yohanis...Tewodros..Minilik...Haile Silassiee..Derg and also Meles" were tried to destroy the Orthodox Church. So Why r u surprised today..not fair...be neautral..demos enantes bitihonu debub/SNNP protestant wererew kemalet wichi min ledebub serachihu...u are also focusing to the NORTH Ethiopia...meche...yekahinatin maselitegnawoch redachihu/degefachihu...hulem north...north...north..new yemitilut?????Yetazebkutin mengere new enji...lela kifat yelebignm???assibubet
በጣም ተገቢ አስተያየት ነው
የሞቱትን ነገስታት ወይም ደግሞ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊን ከመቃብር አውጥታቹ አንግሱ እኔ ግነ
ReplyDeleteደስ ብሎኛል ነገስታትን የሚሾም እግዚአብሔር
ReplyDelete“ትሻልን ሰድጄ ትብስን አመጣሁ”
ReplyDeleteመንግስት እና ሃይማኖት አይገናኙም!!!!!!
Deleteplease just pray to God it is not being orthodox that makes you think and do right it is your presonaiilty,but by theway all the rulers of Ethiopia had a possitive contribution to the church why do we always see the negative sides the church had its present influential postion because of the rulers support and acceptance please say thankyou
Deleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteYou are miss informed and transfering it. Of course H/Dessalegn might be the believer of protestantism. But befor him, Dr Negaso Gidada was the same to him, protestant.
ReplyDeleteNow Ato H/Mariam is not Prime minster of EFDR, but he is now the deputy & foreign minster. The responsibility of him includes taking the authority of PM until election as it is declared by constitution.
hi first Dr Negaso Gidada is not Prime minster but he has President powers in his elected time one thing the second thing H/Dessalegn lead as Prime minster until election
Deleteendet ayinet amelekaket new yal achiw gobez gena legena hailemariyam protestant new bilachiw sewun litafachu new ende ethiopia yaluate hizibochiwa befekir tesmamitew endinoru metseley enji beahun zemen haimanotin asitako liyu propaganda masinesat tegebi ayimesilegnm.what is wrong with us? the moment he got the prime minister postion,you guys already started to study his biography liyawim betam kegimit wist yemaygebawin hayimanot. please writer, try to think posetively and let us hold hand in hand to see a better Ethiopia in this century.
DeleteWoy tinish mehon endeh yasazinal. eneate yedinchi rasoch! meche yihun hagerin kehaymanotina kezer leytachu mawok yemitjemirut?
ReplyDeleteahun yalenew 21 k/zemen mehonu enantega alderesem? hager behaymanotina bezeregnoch yemitmerabet gize kebeka koytoual ahun lehagerachin yemiyasifeligat tiru chinkilat yalew meri serto yemiyasera enji woregnana zeregna aydelem.degmo ethiopia yeortho nat yalew manew ? pls sewoch wodachin lemasebiyat antekem, chiklatachin inji.
Egziabhere Ethiopia tewhdone yetebekate mengiste haimanote yteleyayu nachew
ReplyDeleteTry to understand the truth!
DeleteOf course the leader and kings of Ethiopia might not be Protestant. However most of them were doing to destroy the church, Monasteries, and it's ... Specially what the late two leader done for Orthodox church? Nothing! They all were strutting to kill and change it's sources like monasteries until their death and lost the power. I think you might say, Meles was orthodox, but was he really a Christian? While the fathers shout about the monasteries he never said what happened with you not solving the problems and helping for the sustainability of Church. The same too Dergue Mengistu, in face he said there is no God....
ReplyDeleteSo, we shouldn't worry if he is a protestant or orthodox, if he do in the correct way with corruption. But the problem is what if he corrupt for the expansion of protestant and destroying Orthodox? Then now, we have to say STOP! you don't come to power to make corruption and destroy EOTC.
Lets be neutral kind and think what was happened in the recent history of EOTC, and what will happen.
What is expected from us is pray for the peace of Church and country. God will never give us "Alawi Nigus" and "Menafik Papas".
May the mercy of God be with us and Ethiopia.
Because of Our sin, God may give us "Alawi Nigus like H/Mariam Dessalegn" and "Menafik Papas like.......". You never know!
Deletereally i appreciate you.all what you write down are the idea(opinion) i have in my mind.i think at this time what is keep from EOTC follower is only pray and pray again.to tell what is happen to us from our heart even if he know it already rather than estimating once accomplishment and its side effect before coming to power.please think over and try to memorized what others do for EOTC those elect by democratic way.take into consideration what our beloved creature say"አትፍረዱ ይፈረድባቹዋል።"
erereee gud new sigemer protastan man ethiopiawi aderegachew NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! YHAMA YEMAYHON NEW BEFITUM ANKEBELM
ReplyDeleteEthiopia was a pagan country before the introduction of Christianity. So that does not make the Orthodox church any more Ethiopian.where have you been living, or learning PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES, STUDY YOUR HISTORY!!!
DeleteI mean, we and Muslims too are as much Ethiopians as many more orthodox bros and sis are claiming to be. I don't see the problem of having a protestant or Muslim PMs, what matters is his personality and quality of leadership, treating the impartially and honest to God and the nation he is leading. This is all what it costs. But, if Hailmariam disfavors Muslims or Orthodox church because only he is protestant, then he must be questioned for that. But, i don't think it is legitimate to refute his new responsibility on the basis of his spiritual orientation. And I do have a stronger faith in the Lord that God will help him to let justice, equality and prosperity prevail on the face of Ethiopia and even beyond. Ethiopians should keep themselves away from such second guesses and pre-judgment. Don't judge others until the Lord do it so and show us that you are true follower of the Lord. Let the almighty hand of the Lord be stretched out from the heaven to Ethiopia for blessings, amen
ReplyDeleteWho are you?
Deleteአሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል፡፡
ReplyDeleteWhat ever religion he has,at least this is the first time that Ethiopia has got real Educated Leader...I don't think this man will side to one side...let's think positively and try to support the positive things.Then,we will see what will come????
ReplyDeleteMay God Bless Ethiopia...Forever..it is Fact that "Ethiopia always rise hands to Lord"...Ethiopia And Tewahido...will always be "the two side of a coin"
Deleteአስራት ሀገርህ የሆነችውን ኢትዮጵያን በምህረትህና በቸርነትህ ተመለከት፡፡አሜን!!
ReplyDeleteአይዟችሁ ምንም አያደርግም! የምታመልኩት እግዚአብሄርን ወይስ ሌላ???ለማኛውም ቃሉ እንዲህ ይላል
ReplyDeleteወደ ሮሜ 13:1 ነፍስ ሁሉ በበላይ ላሉት ባለ ሥልጣኖች ይገዛ። ከእግዚአብሔር ካልተገኘ በቀር ሥልጣን የለምና፤ ያሉትም ባለ ሥልጣኖች በእግዚአብሔር የተሾሙ ናቸው።
2 ስለዚህ ባለ ሥልጣንን የሚቃወም የእግዚአብሔርን ሥርዓት ይቃወማል፤ የሚቃወሙትም በራሳቸው ላይ ፍርድን ይቀበላሉ።
3 ገዥዎች ለክፉ አድራጊዎች እንጂ መልካም ለሚያደርጉ የሚያስፈሩ አይደሉምና። ባለ ሥልጣንን እንዳትፈራ ትወዳለህን? መልካሙን አድርግ ከእርሱም ምስጋና ይሆንልሃል፤
4 ለመልካም ነገር ለአንተ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና። በከንቱ ግን ሰይፍ አይታጠቅምና ክፉ ብታደርግ ፍራ፤ ቍጣውን ለማሳየት ክፉ አድራጊውን የሚበቀል የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና።
5 ስለዚህ ስለ ቍጣው ብቻ አይደለም ነገር ግን ስለ ሕሊና ደግሞ መገዛት ግድ ነው።
6 ስለዚህ ደግሞ ትገብራላችሁና፤ በዚህ ነገር የሚተጉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች ናቸውና።
be blessed
Deleteአሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል፡፡ ስለዚህ የአምላከ ቁጣ መሆኑን ካወቅን ወሬ ሳይሆን ጸሎት ነው የሚያሰፈልገው!!አምላክ ህዝቡን የሚመራለትን ይመርጥ ዘንድ ጸልዪ::
ReplyDeleteI do not think Hailemariam will harm our church more than our church administrators do. We can not blame others for our fault.
ReplyDeleteOur church leaders used to say "Halemariam's mother tounge is birds language, therefore it should not be used for preaching in our church" rather than encouraging them to integrate in our church. I do not blame him being a protestant I do blame myself and our church administration
I cannot AGREE more with this reply!
DeleteAs I understand from the main article, it is saying that all Ethiopian politics should be controlled by the "ORTHODOX" like the previous days... it is a weird thing to say specially at this time?
If our previous leaders were really religious, they would treat everybody and every ethnic group equally. The people of Ethiopia were very religious; So those leaders just used the religion as a weapon to colonize all the country. They are the one who have to be blamed for every devision and more importantly the disrespect among the Ethiopian people. I wanted to say a lot more and I have a lot to say but it is not that important any more. But what we should know is religion and politics are two different things and we should respect the fact that, NOW, Ethiopia is a country of different ethnic groups and different religion!!! So, as a democrat country, everybody in Ethiopia should be given the chance to exercise its inalienable rights!
If we think we are religious, just be religious, be really good people and trust GOD with all our heart and he will be with us!!!
I Hope Hailemariam is a good person who would bring a change in Ethiopia's Politics.
Ya..Thank you...Very interesting idea...i appereciate your comment
DeleteEthiopia is given to saint virgin Mary as a promise,so a protestant or muslim should not govern the country.God`s people should not be lead by Menafican or Ahizab!FINISHED.
DeleteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ReplyDeleteHaile Mariam Desalegne
ኃይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ
Prime Minister of Ethiopia Acting Incumbent Assumed office 20 August 2012 President Girma Wolde-Giorgis Preceded by Meles Zenawi Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia
In office 1 September 2010 – 20 August 2012
Prime Minister Meles ZenawiPreceded by Seyoum Mesfin Succeeded by TBD
Minister of Foreign Affairs Incumbent
Assumed office 1 September 2010Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Preceded by Seyoum Mesfin In office 2002–2005 Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Preceded by Abate Kissho Succeeded by Shiferaw Shigute Personal details Born 19 July 1965 (age 47) Boloso Sore, Ethiopia Political party Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement Other political affiliations Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front Alma mater Addis Ababa University Arba Minch University Tampere University of Technology
Azusa Pacific University Haile Mariam Desalegne (born 19 July 1965) is an Ethiopian politician who has served in the government of Ethiopia as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2010. Following the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on 20 August 2012, Haile Mariam was named acting prime minister. He is the first Protestant Christian (Pentay) head of government in the history of Ethiopia.
"አሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል" ስለዚህ የአምላከ ቁጣ መሆኑን ካወቅን ወሬ ሳይሆን ጸሎት ነው የሚያሰፈልገው!!አምላክ ህዝቡን የሚመራለትን ይመርጥ ዘንድ ጸልዪ::
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ReplyDeleteHaile Mariam was born in 1965 in the Boloso Sore district of the Wolaita Zone in southern Ethiopia. He studied and spent most of his youth in the area.
In 1988, Haile Mariam obtained a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Addis Ababa University. He subsequently worked as a graduate assistant in the Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (now Arba Minch University). After two years of working in this capacity, he won a scholarship to Tampere University of Technology in Finland and obtained a masters degree in sanitation engineering. Upon his return to Ethiopia he served in different academic and administrative capacities, including the dean of the Water Technology Institute, for 13 years.
Haile Mariam is from the Wolayta ethnic group of Ethiopia, an Omotic community which forms the principal population element in Ethiopia's Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region. Haile Mariam's name is in Geez, Ethiopia's Orthodox Church liturgical language, and means "the power of St Mary". His official name of address is Haile Mariam, the second name being his father's name. The name of his father, Dessalegn, is Amharic for "I am happy".
ዋናው ነገር ራስን በእውነተኛ የክርስትና ጎዳና መምራት ነው፡፡ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ተከታይ መሆንን በቃል እውቀትና በሕይወት ማሳየት ነው እንጂ የድርጅት ሕመምተኛ መሆን አይደለም፡፡ ጌታ ኢየሱስ ሲመጣ በድርጅት አሰልፎ አያድንም የድርጅት አጥር ሰዎች የሠሩት እንጂ የእግዚአብሔር አይደለም፡፡ ኦርቶዶክስ ነኝ ካልን እውነተኛ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ፍቅር አድሮብን እንመላለስ እንጂ በጥላቻ አንሞላ የቤተ ክርስቲያኗ መሠረታዊ ችግር የውስጧ አገልጋዮቿና የምእመናኖቿ እንጂ የውጪ አይደለም፡፡ ስለዚህ ዛሬውኑ መንገዳችንን እንደ ቃሉ እናስተካክለ የቤቱ ባለቤት የማጥራት ሥራውን ፈጥኖ ሲጀምር ውጪ እንዳንታል እናስብበት
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteEthiopiawiwe danejereba yesemaw wenegel bemejemeriya ortodoxen Ayedelem iyesusen new ( be ethiopia yalene ye ewerenet emenet ke ethiopiawinete gare lemene enedemetagenanute ayegebangemm please be bibelica)
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteእግዚአብሔር አዋቂ ነው
ReplyDeleteእግዚአብሔር አዋቂ ነው
Deleteእግዚአብሔር አዋቂ ነው
DeleteThis is the answer of all our prayers and cries before God for some years now according to me. and many believers. God's visitation is started long ago as many many of us prayed that God to heal that land and change the hearts of our nation and its people. Ethiopia and Ethiopian do not need dos and don'ts cultural religion which is full of brags and deceits but need to have some one who know God and experience Him personally to lead that nation and its people in the right path. Do you think Meles put this guy because he like him no it was God who put this guy at this time of our history for a purpose and may God’s plan and purpose be fulfilled for that land.
DeleteSoon you will realize that all you said is false and that yours is not God but god.
Deleteዋናው ነገር ራስን በእውነተኛ የክርስትና ጎዳና መምራት ነው፡፡ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ተከታይ መሆንን በቃል እውቀትና በሕይወት ማሳየት ነው እንጂ የድርጅት ሕመምተኛ መሆን አይደለም፡፡ ጌታ ኢየሱስ ሲመጣ በድርጅት አሰልፎ አያድንም የድርጅት አጥር ሰዎች የሠሩት እንጂ የእግዚአብሔር አይደለም፡፡ ኦርቶዶክስ ነኝ ካልን እውነተኛ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ፍቅር አድሮብን እንመላለስ እንጂ በጥላቻ አንሞላ የቤተ ክርስቲያኗ መሠረታዊ ችግር የውስጧ አገልጋዮቿና የምእመናኖቿ እንጂ የውጪ አይደለም፡፡ ስለዚህ ዛሬውኑ መንገዳችንን እንደ ቃሉ እናስተካክለ የቤቱ ባለቤት የማጥራት ሥራውን ፈጥኖ ሲጀምር ውጪ እንዳንታል እናስብበት
ReplyDeleteThat is GREAT.....Thank You So Much.....
Deleteእውነተኛ ምላሽ!!!!!!!
Deleteአይዞህ ወገኔ እግዚአብሄር የጠረውን ፍጡር በርሃ ላይ አይጥለውም!!!
ReplyDeleteቸር ወሬ ያሰማን፡፡ አሜን አሜን አሜን……
I mean i wonder the way the orthodox people think about leadership and a nation. This a country of many people. After all meles was not orthodox christan he was a marxist...in my view demanding power just becuase you are christain is stupidity. Stupid. in my view honsetly the orthodox church is responsible for the failure of the nation since zemen mesafint. They produce idoits and narrow minded people. Ethiopia belongs to every ethiopians. Not for the orthodox. I dont know the extent of your narrow mind.
ReplyDeletegetam ayanorewim siwerd siwarared yemetaw haymanot ortodox newna geta yagzen amen esunim geta yarkew
ReplyDeleteOH, for GOD's sake,please understand the difference between religion and politics.And if you really are a christian,doesn't the BIBLE say pray for your leaders and wish them well.DON'T BE NARROW MINDED!!!
Deleteበወቅቱ ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር እና የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር አቶ ኀይለ ማርያም ደሳለኝ የአቡነ ጳውሎስ በዓለ ሢመት (በሼራተን አዲስ) ሲከበር እንደ ሌሎች ባለስልጣናትና ተጋባዥ እንግዶች ቅዱስነታቸው የሚለውን የታወቀ ስማቸውን ትተው ንግግራቸውን የጀመሩትት 'ክቡርነታቸው' ብለው ነበር∷ በወቅቱ አለማውቅ ነው ብዪ በየዋሃት ተመልክቼው ነበር፡፡አሁን እንደተራዳሁት ፕሮቲስታንት በመሆናቸው ለቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ያላቸውን ንቀት የገልፁበት መንገድ መሆኑ አሁን ገባኝ∷
ReplyDeleteyou are crazy...everybody is used to this word(Kibur) in the church nowadays...you see you guys are very very..tebab(narrow eyed)...Please try to open your eyes and think positively...you church leaders started it to use the word..you can go to one of your church this nignt and can hear same word for so many times...E..ba..kachihu..tebabinet yibika...
DeleteYou are absolutely right!
Delete"ቅዱስነታቸው" ምኑ ጋር ነው ኸረ?? ከእግዚአብሔር፣ከጌታ ከኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በቀር ቅዱስ የለም!!!
Deleteተመልከቱ ከላይ August 24, 2012 2:45 PM የሰጠውን አስተያየት የማን ይመስላችኋል? ከላይ የዋናው አስተያየት ሰጪም ሃሳብ እንዲህ አይነቱን ንቀት ነው መግለጽ የፈለገው እንደተራዳሁት:: ፕሮቲስታንት ሰዎች ያላቸውን ንቀት እኔም አውቀዋለሁ፡፡
Deletemetesaseb baleben seat hazenachenen gena saneresa endih aynet neger lehezebu masenebeb ejeg asafari tegebar new betekeresetiyanachen befetari enji bemelese alenorechem be betekeresetiyanachen lemafer tegedenal bezi meleket enazenalen
ReplyDeleteመለስ ሞቶ አፈር ሳይገባ የለመዳቹትን የጠበበ አስተሳሰብ ማሰብ ጀመራቸሁ
ReplyDeleteኢትዮጵያ የምትተዳደርው በህገ መንግስት ነው እንደለመዳቹት ያ የግፋ የአገዛዝ
ዘመን ላይመለሰስ ተወግዷል እባካቹ የመለስን የእኩልነት ተጋድሎ በዘቀጠ አስተሳሰባቹ
አታበላሹት የ ናንተ ነገስታት ሟርት ጥንቆላ ድግምት መተት የጣኦት አምልኮን
ነው ትተው ያለፉት የ አሜርካ ቀደምት መሪዋች የ ናንተ ኦርቶዶክስ ናት ቀብታ አንግሳ
ኢኮነሚያቸው ያደገው
እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ
This is the most ignorant message I ever read on the subject. It is so misleading and easily opens the door for unnecessary and costly negative attitudes which in turn brings wickedness and violence.
ReplyDelete1. Oh my goodness! You have put a lot of a religious view and history on the subject but you never boldly claim a single biblical view of it which Christianity is based. See the way of the generation - talks but has no SUBSTANCE. Please review what you say or write before you become a reason for the loss of many.
2. You sound like you are in a dream or you never lived in the 21st Century. You seriously believe that all leaders should be from EOTC? We need God fearing, and capable leaders who has integrity with God and the people - not religious leaders as you claimed, my friend. We need someone who will take us out from poverty and illiteracy. We need someone who will show us the way to take off the deafness and blindness of our country. Is the current PM fulfills these things? I don't know! We will all see that!
3. If you talk about the history of EOTC and you have passion about Christianity, you have to be glad that the increasingly progressing Islamic movement is not on power! Be realistic! What will kill our country's history is not a protestant leader - it is ISLAM. Be united with protestant and fight the GOOD fight - to make the country a Christian Country!
Please, I ask the blogger to think twice before misleading others! In this message there is a clear hatred which will bring judgment of God!
God bless you all...whatever your religious is LOVE is the Only and POWERFUL way for change! We all have one country which we should protect and stand for!
this country is for all you and me the Christians and the others her leader should be elected on the merit of his knowledge religion ethnicity shouldn't have any value you shouldn't be concerned about your political leader the copts are under Muslim government but you know that their church is better than us hager yegara newu tebacihu atatibun lewerea atchekulu you know you have protestant church leaders talk about that but about the country the criteria should be to be an ethiopian
ReplyDeleteI see almost everybody prefer to be ANONYOUMS,to comment.Why? because no freedom of speech.who took the freedom from the people and made them second citizen in their owen country? easy to guess.
ReplyDeletewhat about the WOLDBO abatoch amlak? watching over his sons and answering the prayers.
let me remain anonymous too.
God bless Ethiopia and the people.
yes good idea
DeleteRemember, even Mengistu Haile Mariam, the pagan,has governed Ethiopia.
ReplyDeleteBut after this I think the gov,t and Religion is going apart !! He has no right to interfere in our religion. Today is different from yesterday. We are now being only about 1/2 of the population.And can't say always the leader should be Orthodox. By the way,don't you remember the Ethiopian proverb,.."ke wedaj telat yeleyelet telat yishalal !!!" Because you will be well prepared and always ready !!! Egypt orthodox church can be our best example.They are so strong not because of the leader is Orthodox !!! Egzihabiher mastewalin yisten !!!
Egypt and Ethiopia are two different countries>
DeleteHello Every Body:This is the very special time for Ethiopia...Most things happened for the first time:-like---the 1st educated leader;the 1st Non-Amhara or Non-Tigre leader of Ethiopia;the 1st Non-orthodox(but i have doubt as his name indicated he is purely from Orthodox...there is something behind...either he was baptised or his families were from the Church;i also have doubt of the past leader real religious attitude).So,Let's appreciate the new way of Ethiopia and cooperate for unity...evenif we have difference in ideas/religion.Look at the wise decisions being made by EPRDF=Government party who started to understood the people's interest and on the way to improve its leadership methodology towards the international and national approaches...Any way...Let's Pray..God Bless Ethiopia
ReplyDeleteቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ችግር ውስጥ ልትገባ የምትችለው በውስጥዋ የሚገኙ አገልጋዮች እርስ በርስ የሚጋጩና ለጥቅም የሚሮጡ ከሆነ ብቻ ነው ከዛ ውጪ ሊመጣ የሚችል ጠላት ሁሉ በእግዚአብሄር ሀይል እናሸንፈዋለን ምንም ችግር አይገጥመንም በፈቅርና በአንድነት ከሆንን ዋናው ነገር ውስጠ ቤተክርስቲያንን ሰላም መሆኑ ነው የውስጥ ሰላማችን ከደፈረሰ የውጪ ጠላት ሳያስፈልግ የውስጡ ችግር ብቻ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን አደጋውስጥ ለመክተት በቂ ነው
ReplyDeleteብቻ ሁላችንም የጥንተ ጠላት ዲያብሎስን የጥፋት አሰራር ተረድተን በጥንቃቂ መጎዝ አለብን ስሜታዊ ከሆነ ውሳኔ መታቀብ አለብን ነገሮችን በርጋጋ መንፈስ መመርመር ይገባናል
ኢትዮጽያን እግዚአብሄር ይባርክ፡፡
ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ችግር ውስጥ ልትገባ የምትችለው በውስጥዋ የሚገኙ አገልጋዮች እርስ በርስ የሚጋጩና ለጥቅም የሚሮጡ ከሆነ ብቻ ነው ከዛ ውጪ ሊመጣ የሚችል ጠላት ሁሉ በእግዚአብሄር ሀይል እናሸንፈዋለን ምንም ችግር አይገጥመንም በፈቅርና በአንድነት ከሆንን ዋናው ነገር ውስጠ ቤተክርስቲያንን ሰላም መሆኑ ነው የውስጥ ሰላማችን ከደፈረሰ የውጪ ጠላት ሳያስፈልግ የውስጡ ችግር ብቻ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን አደጋውስጥ ለመክተት በቂ ነው
ReplyDeleteብቻ ሁላችንም የጥንተ ጠላት ዲያብሎስን የጥፋት አሰራር ተረድተን በጥንቃቂ መጎዝ አለብን ስሜታዊ ከሆነ ውሳኔ መታቀብ አለብን ነገሮችን በርጋጋ መንፈስ መመርመር ይገባናል
ኢትዮጽያን እግዚአብሄር ይባርክ፡፡
እርስ በእርስ መዋደድን በመስበክ ከእኛ የተሻሉ ስለሆነ የተሻለ ዘመን እግዚአብሄር ይሰጠን ይሆናልና ዝም በሉ፡፡ፕሮቴስታንትነት አይደለም ጉዳዩ ህዝቡ ያለአድሎ መገልገል መቻሉ ነዉ ጉዳዩ፡፡
ReplyDeleteእርስ በእርስ መዋደድን በመስበክ ከእኛ የተሻሉ ስለሆነ የተሻለ ዘመን እግዚአብሄር ይሰጠን ይሆናልና ዝም በሉ፡፡ፕሮቴስታንትነት አይደለም ጉዳዩ ህዝቡ ያለአድሎ መገልገል መቻሉ ነዉ ጉዳዩ፡፡
ReplyDeleteEgziabher rasun yale misikir aytewum. Kidist Orthodoxawit Tewahido Betekrstianachin betinikarewa tiketilalech.
ReplyDeleteEshohun menkel Amlake kidusan yawukibetal.
menewo wodaje melese sayekeber ende tenagereke yane melese semera ye hayemanot ekulenet endenore aderege enje lela men fetere degemose yebetekeresetyane merewa yewajat bedemu yegezat kirisetose mehonune lemene yezenegale kenegede tewodajeten menore newo yaleben ende belen yebase lemene letelat kefetet enefetralen meshomeme mesharem yemechlewo egezeabehere newo
ReplyDeleteLet me put few comment, allow me! I appreciate one thing, we are at front to criticize wrong,but feel nothing when we commit shameful thing.I remember US election while Barack Obama run for presidency. We were saying that white Americans will not vote for him, they are racist.This imply that we know presidency post is not through color, religion, wealthy, sex etc. When it come to us we admired that PM came from protestant. And make it public concern like truth vitiated. Do we realize that in our constitution state and religion are separate. No state religion. How come on earth that one saying himself am peace loving, religious post such thing for public which dividing the society.
ReplyDeleteIf we really need peace on our land let us stop such thing and call our GOD on our country. He didn't teach us to divide people rather gave his Son to make all nation one!
God Bless you! God Bless Ethiopia!!
እኔ እርስዎ በሚሉት በፍጹም አልስማማም። ገና በገናው ሰውን መወንጀል ክርስቲያናዊ ስነምግባርም አይደለም። ከሚከተሉት ኀይማኖት ውጭ ስለ አቶ ኀይለ ማርያም ስብዕና ምን ያክል ያውቃሉ? ተጨባጭ መረጃ ካለዎ ስለ እሳቸው አድሎዊነት ቢያቀብሉን አስተማሪ ይሆን ነብር። በሕይወት ተሞክሮዎ ሰው የዚህ ወይም የዚያ ሐይማኖት ተከታይ ስለሆነ ብቻ ጥሩ ወይም መጥፎ ነው ለማለት እንደማይቻል እስከዛሬ ካልተገነዘቡ፤ ያንብቡ። የሆነ ቦታ መጽሀፍ ይሁን ጋዜጣ ላይ የክርስትናን መልካም ስነምግባር ዓስተምህሮዎች ኮንፌሽየስ የተባለው ፈላስማ ዓስተምሮት እንደነበር የሚገልጽ ጽሁፍ ማንበቤ ትዝ ይለኛል። "ቸር ተመኝ ቸር እንድታገኝ" isn't that better or
ReplyDelete፤ብርሀን ዘበዓማን ዘያበርህ ለኩሉ ሰብእ
ነው አደለም የሚለው መጽሀፉ?
Hulachihum edelu bisetachihu bizu taworalachihu. Merin yemishom egziabher enji sew ayidelem. His excellency has come in to power peacefully. He grown slowly from graduate assistant level. Then dean of water technology, then President of SNNPR, then P/M advisor, then deputy P/M and foreign minister, then now P/Minister. Egna leselam sew metazez anwodem. Dem mafses ende kidesena enkotralen. Be 21st century yeh ayiseram. Let God give us cleansed leader.
Deleteአቶ ሀይለማርያም ደሳለኝ አንተ እንዳልከው የፕሮቴስታንት እምነት ተከታይ አይመስሉኝም፡፡ ይህን ለማረጋገጥ ግን መውጣት መውረድ አይዳዳኝም ምክንያቱም አቡነ ጳውሎስን ተክተው አይደለም የተመረጡት፡፡
ReplyDeleteአያ ጅቦ ሳታማኸኝ ብላኝ አለች አሉ አህያ፣ ፖለቲከኞች ምንጊዜም ሀይማኖትን ህዝብ ስራቸውንና ተግባራቸውን እየመዘነ ምክንያታዊ ሆኖ ሳይሆን በጭፍን ሲሳለሙ ወይም ሲሰግዱ እያየ እንዲከተላቸው ለመጠቀሚያነት ሲገለገሉበት ኖረዋል፡፡ ለዚህ ከላይ ከተጠቀሱት እና በእልፍኛቸው ጠንቋይ ይቀልቡ እንደነበር ከሚታሙት አንዳንድ መሪዎቻችንና ከአረቡ አለም መሪዎች መማር ይቻላል፡፡ በጥንት ጊዜ ደግሞ ምሁራን የሚወጡት ከሀይማኖት ተቋማት ስለነበር ፖለቲከኞች ብቻ ሳይሆን የጥበብ ሰዎችም ቢፈልቁበት የሚገርም አልነበረም፡፡ አሁን ግን ዘመኑ ተለውጧል፡፡ ሌባና አጭበርባሪ የትም አለ፣ ህዝቡም ይህንን ጠንቅቀቆ ተረድቷል፡፡
ሀይማኖቶች ራሳቸውን የሚጠብቁበትና ትምህርተ ሀይማኖትን የሚያስፋፉበት የራሳቸው አደረጃጀት አላቸው፡፡ ከየሀይማኖቱ ደግሞ ወደፖለቲካው ብገባ የተለያየ ሀይማኖት፣ ባህልና ቋንቋ ላለው ለዚህ ህዝብ የተሻለ መስራት እችላለሁ ብለው የሚያስቡ ተሰባስበው በፖለቲካው ይሳተፋሉ እርስ በርስ ይፎካከራሉ፣ በሀይማኖት እንደዚያ የለም ዶግማና ቀኖና ነው፣ ትከተላለህ ትከተላለህ አለበለዚያ ሀይማኖት መንግስት ከሆነ ትደፈጠጣለህ፡፡ እስኪ አስበው ዘንድሮ በኦርቶዶክስም ሆነ በእስልምና የተፈጠረውን ጉዳይ መንግስት አማካይ ሜዳ ባይዝ ኖሮ ገላጋይ መሆን የሚችል ይመስልሀል?
ምክንያታዊነት ለዘላለም ይኑር!
ጭፍን እይታ ባይኖረን ጥሩ ነው.....የቀድሞ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ኦርቶዶክስ ነበሩ ታደያ በመሆናቸው ሙስሊሙን ምን ጎዱት ፕሮቴስታንቱን ምን ጎዱት ኦርቶዶክሱን ምን ጠቀሙት ምንም፡፡ ስለዚህ ሐይማኖት ሌላ ፖለቲካ ሌላ ይህን ለማሳደግ እንጣር ሀገራችን የሁላችንም ነች እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቅ!!!!
ReplyDeleteyaa betikikil maseb yakatew hulu neger neger yilewal
Deleteጭፍን አስተያየት ጥሩ አይደለም …… የቀድሞ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ኦርቶዶክስ ነበሩ ታድያ ኦርቶዶክስ በመሆናቸው በተለየ መልኩ ሙስሊሙን ምን ጎዱት ፕሮቴስታንቱን ምን ጎዱት ኦርቶዶክስኑስ ምን ጠቀሙት ምንም!!!!!!! ስለዚህ ጭፍን እይታ ባይኖረን ጥሩ ነው፡፡ እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቅ፡፡
ReplyDeleteGod sends for evil generation evil leader!
Deleteere gude meta degemo......ena protestant leader mehone ayecheleme yalewu manewu.......... ere egziabhere yeshomewune sewu ayewosedewume aletemarachehume ende eskahune....... orthodox haimanotachenen egnawu erasachene eyabelashenate newu........ mariam denegele kelegua gare selamune tametalene......andu chegere sehede degemo lela tata tametalachehu ende........koye egna kesereatu newu ke emenetu yalenewu.........ethiopia endehone yehulacheneme nate....... orthodox, muslim, protestant yande ethiopia lege newu.....maneme yeenjera lege yeleme........ politica lela haimanot lele...........
ReplyDeleteyewunete elachehualehu OUR late PM meles zenawi orthodox bihoneme protestant woyeneme muslimune becha godeto le orthodox yetekemewu negere yeleme.....huluneme ekule newu yeyazewu.....selezehe ahune mene yehune newu protestant meri meta tebelo gude meta malete.......... yefelegewune bihonese......... emenetu yerasu newu.......estee selam mehonachene gena sanawuke cherashe negere mefelefele mene yelutale........ yehe yeewunetegna orthodox emenete asabe yehone sewu yetsafewu ayemeselgneme........... egziabhereme ayewodewume....... beesat laye gas atechemeru yelele negere eyefeterachehu............. endewu seletane endezehe yaderegale bekidanemiheret.............
ReplyDeleteIt's sad to know that there are still brothers/sisters who think like you do. Your article clearly shows that you are a religious person after all, not a spiritual one. All what you are concerned about is not the one true God rather the rules people have put up throughout the years. If you say you are a true Christian, you would not feel sorry for the new acting PM is a protestant. He is also a Christian, you know. At least, he is some one who fears God. And Ethiopia needs leaders like him. Kehulum belay degmo, egziabher yemiserawun yawkal...egna anmekrewum eshi! Egna edil biseten bezu enaweralen...yemigebanen yemaygebanenem. Gen yemishom yemishrem yemigedel yemiyadenem, egziabher becha new. Yemayhon hasab anseteh yesewun helina atakosheshe!
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteይህቺ የዘፋኞች፣ የጠንቋዮች፣ የሰላቢዎች፣ የሟርተኞች፣ ደጋሚዎች፣ ደብተራዎች፣ መተተኞች፣ መናፍስት ጠሪዎች ሐይማኖት . . . ምን ማለት ነው ወዳጄ? ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስን አታውቅም ብለህ እንዲህ ለመፈረጅና ለመኮነን ምነው ፈጠንህ? ጌታ እኮ በቃሉ ሚኖሩትንና በመንገዱ የሚሄዱትን እንጂ በድርጅት አያድንም፡፡ እንዲሁም የክርስቶስ የሆኑቱ የሚታወቁት በፍሬአቸው ነው፡፡ ክፉ ፍሬ የሚያደርግ መልካም ዛፍ የለምና፥ እንዲሁም መልካም ፍሬ የሚያደርግ ክፉ ዛፍ የለም። ዛፍ ሁሉ ከፍሬው ይታወቃልና፤ ከእሾህ በለስ አይለቅሙም፥ ከአጣጥ ቍጥቋጦም ወይን አይቈርጡም። በልብ ሞልቶ ከተረፈው አፉ ይናገራልና መልካም ሰው ከልብ መልካም መዝገብ መልካሙን ያወጣል ፥ ክፉ ሰውም ከልብ ክፉ መዝገብ ክፉውን ያወጣል የሉቃስ ወንጌል 6፡43-45። ስለዚህ እውነተኛ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ተከታይ ከሆንክ እምነትህን በሥራህ ፣ በንግግርህ ፣ በሕይወትህ ፣ . . . አሳየኝ፡፡ ለስድቡና ለነቀፋው ዋናው የክፋት አባት ዲያቢሎስ አለ፡፡ እኔ እላችኋለሁ፥ ሰዎች ስለሚናገሩት ስለ ከንቱ ነገር ሁሉ በፍርድ ቀን መልስ ይሰጡበታል የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 12፡36 እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋልና ያድለን፡፡ ብዙ ጥቅስ መጥቀስ እችላለሁ ግን የዚህ ጉድለት ያለብህ አይመስለኝም . . .
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame...Thank God he is a man of God. We need don't need religion. Religion messed us all. We need
ReplyDeletethe will of God to be done.And I'm happy that I'm not a narrow minded religious person like you...
ሲጀመር ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር መለስ ኦርቶዶክስ ነበረ ፤ ቤተክርስትያን ስለሚቀበሩ ኦርቶዶክስ ናቸው ማለት አይቻልም ፤
ReplyDeleteአንድ አድርገን ከመታመሙ በፊት ቦሌ መዳህኔአለም መቁረቡን አልሰማህም ወንድሜ የምሬን ነው እውነት
Deleteአውቃለሁ መሞቱን ሲያውቅ መቁረቡን .. ወንድሜ … አስተዳዳሪው ሲናገሩም ሰምቻለሁ … አለቃዎቻችን ግን ኦርቶዶክስ ናቸው አትበለኝ እኔ ሁሉንም በተሻለ አውቃቸዋለሁ … ኦርቶዶክስ የሆነው ራሱ አቋ የሌለው ነው …
Deleteአረ አትቀልድ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ኮሚኒስት ነው የነበሩት አምላክ የለም ባይ ናቸው ምን ብለው ነው የሚቆርቡት.....
DeleteEre weshet abet menew banewash leze newa orthodox selinbere newa walledeban seyaferes yikoyew yimgerm niger eko new emenet aliba niber meles menem ement yilewem memotun aweko new kidus kureban yiwesedew kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Esh egna manin enemen selase church selitikber new ende koy enkwan meles papasum yaterateralu ement lela mengest lela ethiopia yi hulachinm ager nat yi musilmum,yi orthodoxsum,yi protestantum,yi hulum enj yi ande hayimanot becha yaderegat manew ere lebona yesetn ethiopia le zelalem tinur
DeleteNo need 2 say many words ‘coz can’t hide z truth but yu guys if yu wanna hear more words from am ready 2 write as many page as yu can read …… look z History of Ethiopia wiz o Orthodox Tewhado Church n Judge oki let me start wiz Emperor Susenios and Giragne Mohammed and I personally never expect better dan dis guys …..yu see whether yu believe it or not no one iz better do care abt Ethiopia dan Orthodox …….@ z first place a “PROTESTant” do not ‘ve a Moral strength 2 lead uz ‘coz der iz no moral out der 4 dem dey don't even wht dey think and who r really dey r it's abt Martin Luther King doctrine a kinda of acceptin' wheat from z white or black mans "Identity Problem ".......so I beg yu 2 leave dat place peacefully ain’t acceptable by any measure whether in Principle or …..whteva yu call it …….ohh :( Read all z history ……who do z most 2 keep dis nation as a nation 4 thousand years man…….Do yu’ve any idea wht z helk does it mean …………it’z all abt our fathers calm down n think abt dis ........ it may yu can say now time iz changin' I do agree time is changin' so fast but ain't in dis perspective .....it may we can give u a freedom 2 pray ....we can give yu a field but not a ball ever never ......it may yu got a good personalty IDK wht matters most iz wht yu got in z inside ....Look wht "ALI ABDO" do wiz in a few years man never offer u such a chance again trust me we jamais trust yu anymore we need our Kingdom Back .....even America ....UK ....France has got der own thikin' in dis perspective don't cross z red Line we didn't say yu r not an Ethiopian as long as if yu need it yu r Ethiopian ....as long as yu respect wht history told yu yes yu r unless yu can cancel ur nationality if yu don't agree like z rest of z world n search ur "MENGA"......yea dis all abt z truth n i can write ya many more if yu need soemthin' 2make it clear wiz plain text God Bless Ethiopia :)
ReplyDeleteNo need 2 say many words ‘coz can’t hide z truth but yu guys if yu wanna hear more words from am ready 2 write as many page as yu can read …… look z History of Ethiopia wiz o Orthodox Tewhado Church n Judge oki let me start wiz Emperor Susenios and Giragne Mohammed and I personally never expect better dan dis guys …..yu see whether yu believe it or not no one iz better do care abt Ethiopia dan Orthodox …….@ z first place a “PROTESTant” do not ‘ve a Moral strength 2 lead uz ‘coz der iz no moral out der 4 dem dey don't even wht dey think and who r really dey r it's abt Martin Luther King doctrine a kinda of acceptin' wheat from z white or black mans "Identity Problem ".......so I beg yu 2 leave dat place peacefully ain’t acceptable by any measure whether in Principle or …..whteva yu call it …….ohh :( Read all z history ……who do z most 2 keep dis nation as a nation 4 thousand years man…….Do yu’ve any idea wht z helk does it mean …………it’z all abt our fathers calm down n think abt dis ........ it may yu can say now time iz changin' I do agree time is changin' so fast but ain't in dis perspective .....it may we can give u a freedom 2 pray ....we can give yu a field but not a ball ever never ......it may yu got a good personalty IDK wht matters most iz wht yu got in z inside ....Look wht "ALI ABDO" do wiz in a few years man never offer u such a chance again trust me we jamais trust yu anymore we need our Kingdom Back .....even America ....UK ....France has got der own thikin' in dis perspective don't cross z red Line we didn't say yu r not an Ethiopian as long as if yu need it yu r Ethiopian ....as long as yu respect wht history told yu yes yu r unless yu can cancel ur nationality if yu don't agree like z rest of z world n search ur "MENGA"......yea dis all abt z truth n i can write ya many more if yu need soemthin' 2make it clear wiz plain text God Bless Ethiopia :)
ReplyDeleteE/r hoy ebaki yale mastewal yeminagerutin le bitibit menesha lemehon lemiyasibut mastewalin sitachew mihiretin abzalachew
ReplyDelete“በብርሃን አለሁ የሚል ወንድሙንም የሚጠላ እስከ አሁን በጨለማ አለ።“
ReplyDelete(1ኛ የዮሐንስ መልእክት 2:9)
The writer!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame!! What kind of personality do you have? You are a terrorist for me!! You know you should be responsible for what you are writing. Your aim is to destroy Ethiopia. No other agenda. May God give you a good heart!!
ትልቁ ነገር መልካም የቤተክርስቲያን አባት ይስጠን ፈተና ሲመጣ ጾም ጸሎት የሚያውጅ ለ
ReplyDeleteቤተክርስቲያን ተቆርሪ አባት ካለን የውጭ ግድ የለም በአንድነት ወደባለቤቱ እንጨሃለን ብቻ ስለቤተክርስቲያን አባት በቅድሚያ እንጸልይ እንጂ እስካሁንም ያለው እኮ ለኦርቶዶክስ ጥሩ የነበረ አይደለም ነገር ግን ትልቁ ችግር የነበረው የቤታችን ችግር ነበር እና አቶ ኃይለማርያም መሆናቸው ምንም ለውጥ አያመጣም፡፡
for you being orthodox is about history, pride and honor...but for us being protestant is all about God...loving him, making him involve in what we do and ultimately receiving blessing from him. you are surprised because our current prime minster is protestant? just wait and see we will capture all the land of Ethiopia...I'm sure God will like that.
ReplyDeleteትግሬ ስለነበር መለስን ስታጥላሉት ነበር:: ተተኪውን ደሞ ፕሮቴስታንት ሆነ ብላችሁ ልትጠምዱት ነው:: ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ እንዳንተ ጭፍን ቢሆን ኢትዮጵያ ድሮውን በጠፋች:እግዚአብሔር ማስተዋል የሰጣቸው ብዙ ሰዎች ስላሏት እስካሁን አለች:: ዘረኛ ይጥፋ!ከፋፋይ ይጥፋ!አክራሪ ሐይማኖተኛ ይጥፋ ከኢትዮጵያ!
ReplyDeleteእግዚአብሔር አምላክ ይጠብቀን!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear All,
ReplyDeleteThe Lord has listened to our prayers and we should praise him for what he did. Today all of us should be very happy that people are going to work and come back in peace. Ethiopia is a land of different nationality and religions. We all live together in peace and harmony. This will continue forever as long as the people continue to live with love and understanding to each as always.
Regarding the PM it does not matter if he is a protestant a Muslim or any religion. What matter is the desire to lead in principles of democracy. Good governance should be our ultimate goal and nothing else. Religion is necessary but not paramount.
Let's forget religion for the time being as it is a personal matter. If he is very religious and he has the fear of the Lord then we got what we prayed for. He is not going to kill, steal, and close news papers for telling the truth for the public. That is what matters his religion is his own affair. When I go to the Tewahdo church at 0400 hours, he goes to his church at 0800 hrs and he will praise the Lord in a different system. What's wrong with that? Please we have better things to worry about than his religion. Religion is outdated. If we do not believe in religious freedom, then in what are we going to believe? My God, our people are still there where you were over forty years ago. I am an Orthodox Christian if a Muslim Ethiopian takes over the leadership of the nation I accept that with pleasure if I believe that all Muslims are Ethiopians and they have the right to take the office and believe in any relion of their choice.
Those of you who don't accept this democratic principle please learn more about democracy and do not poison others with your backward thoughts. Religion is very good and it is necessary for our moral but not the ultimate when it comes to good governance!!!!
What a free mind from our brother!!!Please Every learn from him!!!
Deleteእኔንስ ግራው ገብቶኛል። ብቻ ግን እግዚአብሔር በምሕረቱ ይጎብኘን።
ReplyDeleteእንዳላችሁትም በርትተን መጸለይ ያስፈልግናል። ወቅቱ የከበደ ወቅት ነውና።
ቃለህይወት ያሰማልን። በርቱልን።
so what? I don't expect this from you. Are you forcing us to fight with protestants?. Before that(u go to the Ethiopian leader) we have to clear what is in our church, there are a lot of protestant religion follower, who are allowed to teach in orthodox church,even in key positions of the church management. Let us pray, God may give us the right leader.
ReplyDeletewhy do you care having protestant pm, wat did the ortodox leader starting from the zemin mesafint to the minilik do to the ethiopian as general. i am orthodox, but i dont support your ideas. did ethiopian orthodox condemned wat minilik did to non habisha people, did they condemned the hailsilasie regiom saying i am from God , u have to worship me.
ReplyDeleteplease don be foolish , ethiopian orthodox did nothing to the developemnt of ethiopia except supporting those guys who came in the name of God and making mesirable life to , we poor ethiopia
he is Ethiopian too.so what's the problem. i think we should focus on other problems
ReplyDeleteThis should not be seen as a scarecrow to all of us,Orthodox believers whether he is from a different religious sect or not. But, what happened to us that for so long we have never been as concerned as this issue of protestant leader to rule the country when our church bitterly split/divided into two (be wich ena be hager wust)? This has to be the most daring challenge that needs our disquiet and strong solidarity to solve it and bring our church's nobility once again.
ReplyDeleteEgziAbher Bemihretu Yirdan!
I am wolite by myself but i don't want H/Mariam to be our new leader. We all Ethiopian should give priority to God not to our tribe or family or something else. So in my opinion i don't think someone protestant could work in favor of Ethiopian Orthodox church which contributed a lot to Ethiopia. The only thing that we Ethiopian Orthodox followers should do is to pray to God that this bad times go away. I pray from the bottom of my heart that God sees us and reply our prayers.
ReplyDeleteI hope good times will come.
Pleas don't be narrow minded. GOD Has Brouht him to Power so he will be asked for what ever he will do by GOD Himself so, accept what God Has Given Us And Treat him like our brother and Leader. GOD Bless Ethiopia and Correct The mind of Those Who think In A very narrow way.
DeleteThe Good thing I am not regularly attending your website but your opinion is ridiculous and as for me does not worth a bit of modern cyber space. In the first place, Ethiopia does not belong to a certain group of people. It is home to Muslims, and home to Protestant and home to anybody regardless of religion. Secondly, you just lack knowledge of the current constitution which was in effect more than a decade ago. Government and religious affairs are officially separated. If you need an old style of government, make sure that the boundary of your country does not cross shoa in its south border. This thought is dead and buried 30 years back. Do not spit your spoil. It is a stupid argument that earned anger by the majority to someone of this thought
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that some writers have the courage to blog about some of the most sensitive issues in contemporary history. On a spiritual site as this one, one that seems to be the ‘editor in chief” talks about religious issues as if ‘he’ or ‘his likes’ are the OPENION MAKERS!
ReplyDeleteIf I may be allowed to say so, fishing for issues that differentiate us, as Christians, or taking an extreme side and claiming that ONE is the only correct view is a dangerous and unproductive thought.
My dear friend “the author” may I remind you that all power and authority is given from God the Almighty regardless of seeming origin!
I must also tell you that as Christianity is focused on territorial bargain among orthodox, protestant, catholic, and the different factions within each, a more seriously challenging religion is taking its toll on everyone!!
My dear friend “the author” please focuses your energy on thoughts that are constructive and Biblical, and not your personal opinion about issues around you. As a spiritual person, need I remind you that the seed that you sow in people’s minds will bring a serious judgment on you before the Almighty?
I tell you, the fact that the orthodox church has survived in the horn of Africa, or somewhat in the middle east is not because Ethiopia and Ethiopians were strong religious people BUT only because God has willed it to BE!!
Let us all be agents of construction in Christian love and patience than becoming the instrument of the real enemy (the devil) in our minds and selfish being.
May the blessing of the true light come upon you.
I concur with the message "
ReplyDeleteእግዚአብሔር የማያይ መስሏችሁ ከሆነ ተሳስታችኋል። ደግሞም ትዕግስቱ ብዙ ስለሆነ ነው እንጂ የሁላችንስ ሥራ ለአንዲት ደቂቃና ቀናት የሚያቆየን አልነበረም። ስለዚህ ከኛ የሚጠበቀው በፀሎት መትጋትና እግዚአብሔር ቤተክርስቲያንን አንዲት ኦርቶዶክስን ጠብቅልን ብለን መጠየቅ ነው እንጂ መነቃቀፉ ምንም ፋይዳ የለውም። በክፋት ለመጣ ግን በትሩ የአምላክ ሀይለኛ ስለሆነ የሱን ስራ ማየቱ መልካም ነው እላለሁ። "
and please writers of Dekikenabute, dont' come much in the open directon. I said this as it will aggravete more the negativity side!
I’m sorry for Ethiopians for that idol worshiper orthodox God is going to punish you. I say idol worshiper b/c if you really worship God you have obedience for the government selected by God. ትንቢተ ሶፎንያስ 2:10 በሠራዊት ጌታ በእግዚአብሔር ሕዝብ ላይ አላግጠዋልና፥ እየታበዩም ተናግረዋልና ይህ ስለ ትዕቢታቸው ያገኛቸዋል። 11 እግዚአብሔር በእነርሱ ላይ የተፈራ ይሆናል፥ የምድርንም አማልክት ሁሉ ያከሳቸዋል በአሕዛብም ደሴቶች ሁሉ ላይ የሚኖሩ ሰዎች ሁሉ በስፍራቸው ሆነው ለእርሱ ይሰግዳሉ። 12 እናንተም ኢትዮጵያውያን ደግሞ፥ በሰይፌ ትገደላላችሁ። 13 እርሱም በሰሜን ላይ እጁን ይዘረጋል፥ አሦርንም ያጠፋል ነነዌንም ባድማ፥ እንደ በረሃም ደረቅ ያደርጋታል።
Deletebe ewinet yehayimanotachin gudayima liyasasiben yigebal . ato Haylemariyam gena botawon kemeyazachew befit keand metsehf azegaji gara badergut kale metetyik etekisalew '' seilebizu neger etseliyalew gin alu endemimesilegn enatachew orthodox bemehonachew besachew amelekaket silalidanu "LENAT ETSELYALEW ALIDANECHEM " BE MALET BEDIFIRET YETENAGERUTIN ANIBIBALEHU""
ReplyDelete“ሁሉንም ትተነው ነው የምናልፈው፡፡ ሀብታችን ጌታ ብቻ ነው” ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትርና የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር አቶ ኃ/ማርያም ደሳለኝአዘውትረው የሚጸልዩባቸው ጉዳዮች አሉ ካሉ ቢያስታውቁን?
ReplyDeleteአቶ ኃ/ማርያም፡እኔ ዘወትር በአራት ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ላይ እጸልያለሁ፡፡ አንደኛ ሰላምና በረከት ለዚህች አገር እንዲበዛ እጸልያሁ፡፡ ለመሪዎቿ፣ ለመንግሥት፣ ባለሥልጣናት ጥበብና ማስተዋልን እንዲሰጥ እጸልያሁ፡፡ ሁሉም ሃይማኖቶች ያለ አድልዎ እና ልዩነት በእኩልነት እና በመቻቻል እንዲኖሩ እመኛለሁ፡፡ ሁለተኛ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል ‹‹ሰው ሁሉ ወደ መዳን እንዲመጣ›› ይላል፡፡ ስለዚህ ሰው ሁሉ እንዲድን እጸልያለሁ፡፡ ይህ የእግዚአብሔር ፈቃድ ነውና፡፡ ሶስተኛ እናቴ አልዳነችምና ለወላጅ እናቴ በተለይ እጸልያለሁ፡፡ አራተኛ ለልጆቼና ለቤተሰቤ ዘወትር እጸልያለሁ፡፡
ye ato Hailemariya enat yelidanut minhonew yemiselachuwal? christiyan silalihonu weyis lemin?
kase gebez qeduse gioregis eyale ke emebetachen adera yeteqebelewe eyale enkuan ahune ena sewe beseletenebete giza dero enkuan mokerewe yaletesakalachewe negere binore yehea new ! mecheneke metseleye yegebale serawe ena geberu gen yeegziyabeheare new .melkamun wera yemensema cherun ngere yemenayebeten e/r qerebe yaderegelen .wesebehat le/r.
ReplyDeleteጠባቂዋ ሰማያዊ ነውና ቤተክርስቲያናችንን አይተዋትም!!
ReplyDeleteአሜን ቸር ወሬ ያሰማን ፣ ቢሆንም ግን ኢትዮጵያ ያለ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያን ምንም ታሪክ እንድሌላት እናውቃለን ስለዚህ የሱ መምጣት ምንም ታሪካችንን ሊለውጠው አይችልም።
part 1 of my text:
ReplyDeleteAfter surfing on most comments, I notice a commun thing in all the comments: you talk about religions, secular society versus religions and our rights...but note one thing is mentionned : The bible. There is only one book whether you are orthodox, protestant or catholic...one book originally! now you have to trace back history to understand why all these divisions but I won't go there. If we are christiam, we have to go to the source, ie the Bible, study it and hear what God says, then pray accordingly. The bible is the constitution of any christian otherwise your faith is tradition and in vain...this is why, Meles can be born of orthodox, this does not make him christian. To be christian you have to a) live by the biblical constituion b) realize as a christian, that if God exist, you have also the devil...have you not sometimes notice that you can see some individual in their eyes, and then see a very "kefu menfess"?? that is your spirit telling you...it is called evil...
God created the world and gave us two book in order to be sealed with Him, jewish use the Thorah, we use both the Thorah and the new TEstament (addis Kidane)...Ethiopia is called particulary since old testament REad Amos 9:7 it is an eye opener...During Saint Mary escape time from king Herod , it is said she and Jesus hid in Ethiopia for 10 days : please read this article, very well narrated: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/ark-covenant-200712.html?c=y&page=2
Now the question of course, do we believe in the bible? why is it that a book writen 14 AD J-C revels us that Mary was in Ethiopia? why also Ethiopia is mentionned 42 times in the bible, making that country the second eye of God after Jerusalem,Israel? Those things are very deep and spiritual...so I invite you to pause with yourself, and first study the bible, the course of history...early Christianity started in Ethiopia do not be fooled by white people telling you stories that they invented...they tried to destroy us, colonized us...do you really it is our army (poor and very weak at that time even though we had brave soldiers) who kept us or the hand of God?? the italians came twice! Go and read about the life of Henos, an Ethiopian prayer honnest man, how the Lord spoke to Him in signs and dreams...he is the one who sealed our language today, in an alphabet...what is tiring, is to see ethiopains being victims of the west propaganda , they don't read their own story and they come to tell us: Democraty this democrathy that..." All is of God, even that life you have is a gift to God, it is up each individual to seek and search God and ask HIm to guide you...we all die so the struggle is not for this eartly life only, there is even more, the struggle for a soul "nefssen ladenat" the rest is secondary...and when the orthodox church says government and God is not to be seperated, it is a blunt truth - because the goal is also to save individual's souls , because where there is God, there is harmony because Jesus is our "bread of life", the Alpha and Omega"...
part 2,
ReplyDeletenow do all embrace that truth ? No, because the bible says "the door to perdition is vast, but the road of salvation is narrow" isn't that true? Should the orthodox church condemns the new PM? no, it is not what they are called for - they should pray for him, support him, love him "love your neighbour like yourself" . Should orthodox church be worried in these days? Yes big time, a few days ago, Sebehat nega said "it is over for orthodox and amharas" what is that statement mean??? how can a human being so called leader talk like that? evil use people to accomplish evil things...so orthodox church is worried because they know the battle is not of men, but of a spiritual warfare...but God of Israel, has once again shown his mercy to Ethiopia...before desaster happens (this one is tigre, gurage, amhara and etc and hate sets its place) God removed the anchor of such plans, and the head of our church, nominated by the government!! changing the rules etc...so orthodox church has much to worry and pray about because the battle is spirtual...Herode was ready to kill all kids just to kill our Saviour? but who was herode under? his spirit was led by evil spirit!! Proof of Jesus existence are everywhere, many research confirmend the reality of the bible through profound research...Moses existed, the jewish was slaves in Egypt, Moses 's wife was ethiopian...so it is really deep...don't run into politics talk without reading the story of our ancestor...it is fascinating and should be protected by all of us...now I don't say that governments in history abused of that to put their control on people but our trust is not in the government, it is in our God who have saved our country from many calamity! Look we have Abay, we can't use it! Egyptians are terrorizing us and 85% of the water is going out of Ethiopia whilst our people starve...an agreement signed by english in 1929 still valid!!! is this not insane and show you the battle is spiritual???
Ethiopia is chosen by God whether you chose God or not, is an another thing...but do the search first, and then bring your soul to Him, the only deliverer of all humanity: " "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John3:16 - Yohannes 3:16
46And Mary said:
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed" .
May God bless Ethiopia and the people. May He brings us peace and restauration and that we enter a time of reconciliation. I pray in your name Lord, Amen.
Please don't make the situation worse. Religion and government are separate. Just stick to praying rather that creating conflict. You should be careful about what you write because you are not making the situation any easier for the people. Every Thing happens for a reason. JUST PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!!
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ጠቃሚ አስተያየት ነው! ወደጄዋለሁ፤ ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ግን አስተያየታችን ላይ ሊንጸባረቁ የማይገባቸውን ወገንተኝነት (bayasedness or onesided) መሆን ባይስተዋልበት እላለሁ፡፡ እኔመ የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታይ ነኝ ነገር ግን ስለምን ለቤተከርስቲያናችን ጠበቃ ከእግዚአብሔር ሌላ እንሻለን፡፡ ቅዱስ አትናቴዎስ እንኳን ቆስጠንጢኖስን በቤተክርስቲያን ጉዳይ ላይ ጣልቃ እንዳይገባ እንደተናገረው አላነበባችሁምን? ታሪክንም እንመርምር ቤተክርስቲያንን በአቅጣጫ አንገድባት ለመላው የኢትዮጰያ ክፍል የዋለችውን ውለታ አንዘንጋው . . ሰሜኑም ቢሆን ተምችቶት እንደኖር አድርገን ካሰብን ታሪክ ፊቷን አዙራባናለች ማለት ነው በጳጳሳት እጦት ያየችውን አበሳ ታሪክ አይዘነጋውም ይህም ሆኖ የግብጽ ጳጳሳቱን ትንፋሽ በአቁማዳ እየያዙ በየአቅጣጫው ይዞሩ የነበሩን አባቶቻችን ዛሬ ላለነው በመላው ኢትዮጰያ አማኞች ምስክርነቱን እንሰጣለን ጉዳዩ ሰፊ ስለሆን dagmawibelete.blogspot.com ላይ ዝርዝሩን ብንመለከት እላለሁ። ከምስጋና ጋር
ReplyDeleteጠቃሚ አስተያየት ነው! ወደጄዋለሁ፤ ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ግን አስተያየታችን ላይ ሊንጸባረቁ የማይገባቸውን ወገንተኝነት (bayasedness or onesided) መሆን ባይስተዋልበት እላለሁ፡፡ እኔመ የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታይ ነኝ ነገር ግን ስለምን ለቤተከርስቲያናችን ጠበቃ ከእግዚአብሔር ሌላ እንሻለን፡፡ ቅዱስ አትናቴዎስ እንኳን ቆስጠንጢኖስን በቤተክርስቲያን ጉዳይ ላይ ጣልቃ እንዳይገባ እንደተናገረው አላነበባችሁምን? ታሪክንም እንመርምር ቤተክርስቲያንን በአቅጣጫ አንገድባት ለመላው የኢትዮጰያ ክፍል የዋለችውን ውለታ አንዘንጋው . . ሰሜኑም ቢሆን ተምችቶት እንደኖር አድርገን ካሰብን ታሪክ ፊቷን አዙራባናለች ማለት ነው በጳጳሳት እጦት ያየችውን አበሳ ታሪክ አይዘነጋውም ይህም ሆኖ የግብጽ ጳጳሳቱን ትንፋሽ በአቁማዳ እየያዙ በየአቅጣጫው ይዞሩ የነበሩን አባቶቻችን ዛሬ ላለነው በመላው ኢትዮጰያ አማኞች ምስክርነቱን እንሰጣለን ጉዳዩ ሰፊ ስለሆን dagmawibelete.blogspot.com ላይ ዝርዝሩን ብንመለከት እላለሁ። ከምስጋና ጋር
ReplyDeleteአሁን እየተከሰተ ያለው ችግር የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ነው ብሎ የእግዚአብሔርን ሐያልነት ተረድቶ አቅጣጫውን የሚያስተካክል መሪ በሚያስፈልግበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለ ነገር መስማት ይከብዳል፡፡ ስለዚህ የአምላከ ቁጣ መሆኑን ካወቅን ወሬ ሳይሆን ጸሎት ነው የሚያሰፈልገው!!አምላክ ህዝቡን የሚመራለትን ይመርጥ ዘንድ ጸልዪ::
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ReplyDeleteጥያቄው ፕሮቴስታንት ሆነ ኦርቶዶክስ ሆነ ወይም ሙስሊም ሆነ አልያም ሰይጣን ሆነ አይደለም ፡፡ ጥያቄው እሱ የወላይታ ተወላጅ ነው፡፡ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ አማሮች ሃገሪቷን በመምራት በግልም ሆነ በድርጅት ከብራችሁበታል፡፡ ትግሬዎችም ብትሆኑ ከአፍሪካ ከፍተኛው ሃብት ያለው በናንተ እጅ ብቻ ነው፡፡
ReplyDeleteእስከ ዛሬ በኢትዮጲያ ምድር የተጨቆኑት ኦሮሞች እና ደቡቦች ነው፡፡ እግዚያብሔር ተራውን አይቶ ስልጣኑን ለደቡብ ሰጥቷል እናም የደቡብ የናንተ ጫማ ጠራጊዎች የናንተን ህንፃ ድንጋይ ተሸካሚዎች እና መፋቂያ ሻጮች ካሉበት ችግር የሚላቀቁበት ሰዓት አሁን ነው፡፡
ጥያቄው ይህን እድል የደቡብ ህዝቦች እንዴት ይጠቀሙበት ነው፡፡
አይዟችሁ ምንም አያደርግም! የምታመልኩት እግዚአብሄርን ወይስ ሌላ???ለማኛውም ቃሉ እንዲህ ይላል
ReplyDeleteወደ ሮሜ 13:1 ነፍስ ሁሉ በበላይ ላሉት ባለ ሥልጣኖች ይገዛ። ከእግዚአብሔር ካልተገኘ በቀር ሥልጣን የለምና፤ ያሉትም ባለ ሥልጣኖች በእግዚአብሔር የተሾሙ ናቸው።
2 ስለዚህ ባለ ሥልጣንን የሚቃወም የእግዚአብሔርን ሥርዓት ይቃወማል፤ የሚቃወሙትም በራሳቸው ላይ ፍርድን ይቀበላሉ።
3 ገዥዎች ለክፉ አድራጊዎች እንጂ መልካም ለሚያደርጉ የሚያስፈሩ አይደሉምና። ባለ ሥልጣንን እንዳትፈራ ትወዳለህን? መልካሙን አድርግ ከእርሱም ምስጋና ይሆንልሃል፤
4 ለመልካም ነገር ለአንተ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና። በከንቱ ግን ሰይፍ አይታጠቅምና ክፉ ብታደርግ ፍራ፤ ቍጣውን ለማሳየት ክፉ አድራጊውን የሚበቀል የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና።
5 ስለዚህ ስለ ቍጣው ብቻ አይደለም ነገር ግን ስለ ሕሊና ደግሞ መገዛት ግድ ነው።
6 ስለዚህ ደግሞ ትገብራላችሁና፤ በዚህ ነገር የሚተጉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች ናቸውና።
አይዟችሁ ምንም አያደርግም! የምታመልኩት እግዚአብሄርን ወይስ ሌላ???ለማኛውም ቃሉ እንዲህ ይላል
ReplyDeleteወደ ሮሜ 13:1 ነፍስ ሁሉ በበላይ ላሉት ባለ ሥልጣኖች ይገዛ። ከእግዚአብሔር ካልተገኘ በቀር ሥልጣን የለምና፤ ያሉትም ባለ ሥልጣኖች በእግዚአብሔር የተሾሙ ናቸው።
2 ስለዚህ ባለ ሥልጣንን የሚቃወም የእግዚአብሔርን ሥርዓት ይቃወማል፤ የሚቃወሙትም በራሳቸው ላይ ፍርድን ይቀበላሉ።
3 ገዥዎች ለክፉ አድራጊዎች እንጂ መልካም ለሚያደርጉ የሚያስፈሩ አይደሉምና። ባለ ሥልጣንን እንዳትፈራ ትወዳለህን? መልካሙን አድርግ ከእርሱም ምስጋና ይሆንልሃል፤
4 ለመልካም ነገር ለአንተ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና። በከንቱ ግን ሰይፍ አይታጠቅምና ክፉ ብታደርግ ፍራ፤ ቍጣውን ለማሳየት ክፉ አድራጊውን የሚበቀል የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋይ ነውና።
5 ስለዚህ ስለ ቍጣው ብቻ አይደለም ነገር ግን ስለ ሕሊና ደግሞ መገዛት ግድ ነው።
6 ስለዚህ ደግሞ ትገብራላችሁና፤ በዚህ ነገር የሚተጉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች ናቸውና።
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